Do Your Own Research!

Webacy DYOR is the safety research platform users have been waiting for.

Connected to all of Webacy's powerful Risk APIs, you can now analyze every address on-chain. Simply type in any address (token, NFT, smart contract, account, etc.) and let us tell you how safe it is (or not).

Bookmark it, save it, and utilize it before you do anything on-chain.

This page will dive into the sections of DYOR available to you.

Webacy DYOR currently supports all Webacy-supported chains: Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, and Solana, with more chains coming soon.

Trusted Tokens

In crypto, its easy to type in the wrong address. Never make this mistake again by utilizing Webacy DYOR. Official tokens will be clearly displayed through our UI The above example shows what the official USDC token on Ethereum looks like on DYOR.

If available, you'll also notice social links to related accounts like Github, Discord, and more, to verify the source and related information regarding the token.

Risk Level

The "Risk Level" section of DYOR pulls directly from the Webacy Risk APIs. This gives you the best, most informational overview of the risk level of the address you're researching. Any important flags or considerations will be listed underneath the risk score.

Market Detail

The "Market Detail" section of DYOR may be particularly interesting for traders, or a user that's interested in diving more into token specifics. This section provides general token information including a price chart, trading volume, market cap, and more.

Address Detail

The "Address Detail" section of DYOR will provide you with general address-related information like age, transaction count, balance, and multichain activity associated with the address.

Depending on the type of address, this section might be extremely useful when verifying certain details.

Notable Transactions

The "Notable Transactions" section will list any important transactions associated with the address. This is particularly useful when analyzing new tokens, memecoins, or tokens that may be risky due to certain holder values and addresses that could potentially have an impact on token price or security.

Smart Contract Analysis

If the address is a smart contract, Webacy DYOR is able to look at the code itself and raise any issues that might be associated with the smart contract. This is particularly helpful when interacting with contracts of any kind, as it can be difficult to analyze code directly with the naked eye.

The smart contract analysis can take a bit of extra time to load, so please be patient! It's worth it!

Last updated