Wallet Integration Guide

This guide describes how to integrate Webacy APIs into your wallet. We'll highlight where wallets get the most benefit from Webacy and share the tools that make integration fast & easy.

Where to Integrate Webacy

Here are three common places to integrate Webacy to get the most benefit:

  1. Your transaction approval screen

  2. Your main wallet portfolio screen

  3. Your token/NFT/approval display screens

Let's see what each of these might look like.

1) Transaction scanning & assessment

Before a user approves a blockchain transaction, they should be informed of the risk associated with it. With Webacy, you can display the counterparty risk (the address they are sending assets to/from), as well as the interaction risk (the address or smart contract involved in the transaction, if any), and warn users about dangerous transactions with an automated warning.

The API response returns warning flags and a consolidated Risk Score. You can choose to take action depending on certain flags that appear (ex. "sanctioned") or leverage the Risk Score to determine what to show your user. It is also important to review the URL the user is accessing to make the transaction. Webacy's URL Risk endpoint supports this functionality.

Some options for leveraging the response:

  • Block the user with a large warning before the transaction signature screen

  • Visual indicators on the signature screen of a risky transaction

While self-custody leaves the decision making up to the end-user, it is the platform's responsibility to offer the best possible information and protection to the end-user.

For self-custodial solutions, it may be best to still allow the user to bypass the warning screen and proceed with signing the transaction. There are cases where the user still wants to assume the risks.

2) Wallet health and recommendations + revoke

At any point in time, a user's wallet has a variety of threat vectors. It could be from open approvals, from assets held within the account, from past behavioral activity, and much more. With Webacy APIs, you can differentiate your wallet among the thousands of others on the market by bringing proactive wallet safety to your users.

Webacy's Safety Score fits well on many screens, but we typically see it embedded on the main account overview page. This enables users to view the current state of their wallet health, and you can provide actionable steps for users to improve their wallet safety.

Adding a Wallet Safety Score increases user retention, and reduces the chances of a user falling victim to a hack. This means that more assets stay on your wallet platform, and your users are likely to stick with you in the long-run.

Native Revoke

You may want to empower your users to revoke approvals directly within your platform. Webacy APIs enable you to understand all of the approvals associated with an account, including the risk of those approvals. This helps your users understand which approvals to revoke, and which are safe to keep!

3) Token / NFT / Open Approval Display Screens

You may be filtering out spam tokens already (or if you're not, you can use Webacy APIs to do so and improve your current filtering!) but it may also be a good idea to display individual risk flags for any risky assets or approvals that do make their way into a user's account.

In the self-custodial space, your users will ultimately do what they want to do, but adding a layer of safety and educational data helps you protect your platform and delivers additional value to your customers. Using Webacy APIs to assess the risk of individual tokens or NFTs can help identify scam tokens, dangerous contracts, and other nefarious activity.


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Last updated